Per our Constitution (yes, we function under one), the Society is "composed of members whose mother, father, grandmother or grandfather is a Swiss descendent".
This includes spouses of existing members, who meet the above requirement, as well as Swiss nationals whose employment or studies bring them to Nashville and surrounding areas.
Proposed candidates for membership must be at least 18 years of age and must be proposed by an existing member (a sponsor) who introduces them to the Society.
There are three membership statuses:
Benefit Member: Those members in good standing who joined the Society prior to 1982.
Honorary Member: Members in good standing who have been in the Society for fifty consecutive years (or more).
Social Member: All members in good standing, who joined in 1982 or later, that have not reached fifty consecutive years of membership. That's most of us. 
If you are interested in Membership, please contact us and we'll provide additional details.